So my last Love Thursday was Haley and I.
Now it's time for just me and my boys.
Nathan and his SUPER EXCITED SMILE -
See 8 more just me and my boys pictures here.
I had a really hard time deciding on which picture to use for Love Thursday today.
On a side note - I am still NOT able to comment on ANY Typepad blogs, mine or others. Sigh. I am waiting to hear back from Typepad on the issue.
- Haley's 2 month appt, TWO MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, got moved to next week so I will write her two month update once I know her stats.
- Have you guys ever considered doing THIS? OMG it is WAY TOO MUCH FUN! Let me know if you do start it! I would have to check YOU out! The more, the merrier!
Happy Love Thursday everyone and thank you for your kind words, it sucks not being able to comment on my own blog, let alone others.
PS As soon as the comment issue gets resolved, I will be commenting! I miss talking to you guys!
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