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Saturday, December 09, 2006



awww!!! so cute! and yes, SO much alike!!!

you totally copied that idea from me. ha ha. or wait, did you post it first and I'm just such a slacker I haven't checked your blog until today? LOL


Sandi P.

Yep -- def see the resemblence! :)


Definately see the resemblance. It will be neat to see as she gets older.


I don't know. I am bad at the guessing game! I do see a resemblance though...


I totally see Kelly in Haley in those pics - the eyes, the forehead, pretty much the whole nine yards. And, I think she is just beautiful and gorgeous, which of course means that you are as well, Kel. :)

Love you!


Oh yes, I definitely see the likeness!


It's hard for me to see it...I see the boys too much. It'll be fun to see what she looks like at 4 months to really compare.

Cute pix!


Def. a mini Kelly
How cute!!


I am guessing she will look a lot like you did when you were a baby! Just compare your 4 month with the picture you posted below it of Haley with you. Her mouth is closed in that picture and the resemblance is very striking! I love comparing baby pics of all my girls, plus looking at mine and hubby's.

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