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Saturday, July 01, 2006



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He is sooooo cute!

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He's so adorable.

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Cute! He does look thinner! My two year old is into picking out his own clothes and this is how he looks on most days.


This happens frequently in my house when my husband puts them to bed.
Your boys are just so cute!!! I know you already knew that, though.


Thank you all SO MUCH! Austin really has lost a lot of his baby fat although this picture is kinda misleading. I have a few more shots from this day in the same outfit and depending on his pose and position he looks heavier in some of them. It's amazing how much a picture can vary by the position/pose. I guess even little kids can have fat and skinny poses lol.

PS Not sure if some of you meant Austin when you wrote Nathan but it's Austin in this pic..... not sure if you accidentally wrote the wrong name or you actually thought this pic was of Nathan, my 4 yr old. Wasn't sure if you thought they look a lot alike?

Let me know! Thanks again! Love you all!


How cute! Nathan is such a great looking little boy :) Those eyes!!!

Monica C.

Too cute. Nathan is so adorable. Yes, he has lost all of his baby fat. My 4 year old has, too. Makes me hug my 2 year old even more, b/c she still has cuddly cheeks and squishy legs!


Cute! He does look thinner! My two year old is into picking out his own clothes and this is how he looks on most days.


Cute, cute, cute!~ They get more handsome every time I see a new picture of them! :)


That's what I was going to say...he looks so thin!!!!

Shannon D

Ha ha, that's cute. I do the same thing to my kids....when it's been a lazy week and laudry is behind...the kids get mismatched jammies. You're not alone!!! Lol.


Um, when did Austin start losing his baby fat? I'm sad now :( He sure is a cutie pie, even if he does have an interesting fashion sense :P

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